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Leadership Full Day Program
Leadership Full Day (9 am to 5 pm) Objective of the Program: Leadership Initiative Management Adventure Fun Activities and Items…
exploreLeadership and Management Development programs include many activities that enhance the ability of an individual or organization to lead well. At the heart of all great organizations are the people who drive the organization’s goals and its success. These are the people who need to lead themselves and others. Combined with comprehensive pressures and the constant need to adapt and change, the demands of strong leadership at every level of an organization are essential to its strategic alignment, effectiveness, and success.
There are over 1000 business schools with 35000 books on leadership all around the world but the end result with this approach is that we do not see many leaders coming out. Whilst academics continue to debate what leadership actually is, management expert – the late Peter Drucker stated that the only definition of a leader is someone who has followers.
Courses and Books on leadership are useful to a point Yet neither is sufficient on its own. This is where outbound and experiential based leadership development programs help bridge the gap and let people discover their leadership qualities in an organizational setting.
To develop Leadership and Managerial Skills we combine a mix of Leadership Training, Management Games, and Activities to help people learn and discover their leadership potential.
Our Leadership and Management Development Programs are broadly classified into four categories.
The program are custom designed to provide an insight, and understanding of leadership and management, and make the participants experience the relevant aspects of managing an organization.
The Leadership and Management Development program approach has a participatory, experiential learning platform, where the participants get many opportunities to explore their leadership roles in an organizations context and Leadership Pipeline.
The programs will use outbound actvities, interactive sessions, exercises, games, roles plays, experiential learning, psychometric assessments, and interactive discussions to transfer the learning to the workplace settings.
Leadership development and Management Development programs include all those activities that enhance the capacity of an individual or organization to lead well. At the heart of all great organizations are the people who drive the organization’s purpose and its success, the people who need to lead themselves and others. Combined with comprehensive pressures and the constant need to adapt and change, the demands of strong leadership at every level of an organization are essential to its strategic alignment, effectiveness, and success.
There are over 1000 business schools with 35000 books on leadership all around the world but the end result with this approach is that we do not see many leaders coming out. Whilst academics continue to debate what leadership actually is, management expert – the late Peter Drucker stated that the only definition of a leader is someone who has followers.
Courses and Books on leadership are useful to a point Yet neither is sufficient on its own. This is where outbound and experiential based leadership development programs help bridge the gap and let people discover their leadership qualities in an organizational setting.
To develop Leadership and Managerial Skills we combine a mix of Leadership Training, Management Games, and Activities to help people learn and discover their leadership potential.
Our Leadership and Management Development Programs are broadly classified into four categories.
The program are custom designed to provide an insight, and understanding of leadership and management, and make the participants experience the relevant aspects of managing an organization.
The Leadership and Management Development program approach has a participatory, experiential learning platform, where the participants get many opportunities to explore their leadership roles in an organizationscontext and Leadership Pipeline.
The programs will use outbound actvities, interactive sessions, exercises, games, roles plays, experiential learning, psychometric assessments, and interactive discussions to transfer the learning to the workplace settings.
Leadership Full Day (9 am to 5 pm) Objective of the Program: Leadership Initiative Management Adventure Fun Activities and Items…