Quick Enquiry

"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." - John C. Maxwell

Leadership and Management Development programs include many activities that enhance the ability of an individual or organization to lead well. At the heart of all great organizations are the people who drive the organization’s goals and its success. These are the people who need to lead themselves and others. Combined with comprehensive pressures and the constant need to adapt and change, the demands of strong leadership at every level of an organization are essential to its strategic alignment, effectiveness, and success.

There are over  1000 business schools with 35000 books on leadership all around the world but the end result with this approach is that we do not see many leaders coming out.  Whilst academics continue to debate what leadership actually is, management expert – the late Peter Drucker stated that the only definition of a leader is someone who has followers.

Courses and Books on leadership are useful to a point   Yet neither is sufficient on its own. This is where outbound and experiential based leadership development programs help bridge the gap and let people discover their leadership qualities in an organizational setting.

To develop Leadership and Managerial Skills we combine a mix of Leadership Training,  Management Games, and Activities to help people learn and discover their leadership potential.

Our Leadership and Management Development Programs are broadly classified into four categories.

  • Leadership Development program for First Time Managers
  • Managerial Effectiveness Program for First-time and Mid-Level Managers
  • Leadership  Development Program for middle management
  • Transformational Leadership Program for senior management

Our Concept

The program are custom designed to provide an insight, and understanding of leadership and management, and make the participants experience the relevant aspects of managing an organization.

The Leadership and Management Development program approach has a participatory, experiential learning platform, where the participants get many opportunities to explore their leadership roles in an organizations context and Leadership Pipeline.

The programs will use outbound actvities, interactive sessions, exercises, games, roles plays, experiential learning, psychometric assessments, and interactive discussions to transfer the learning to the workplace settings.

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." - John C. Maxwell

Leadership development and Management Development programs include all those activities that enhance the capacity of an individual or organization to lead well. At the heart of all great organizations are the people who drive the organization’s purpose and its success, the people who need to lead themselves and others. Combined with comprehensive pressures and the constant need to adapt and change, the demands of strong leadership at every level of an organization are essential to its strategic alignment, effectiveness, and success.

There are over  1000 business schools with 35000 books on leadership all around the world but the end result with this approach is that we do not see many leaders coming out.  Whilst academics continue to debate what leadership actually is, management expert – the late Peter Drucker stated that the only definition of a leader is someone who has followers.

Courses and Books on leadership are useful to a point   Yet neither is sufficient on its own. This is where outbound and experiential based leadership development programs help bridge the gap and let people discover their leadership qualities in an organizational setting.

To develop Leadership and Managerial Skills we combine a mix of Leadership Training,  Management  Games, and Activities to help people learn and discover their leadership potential.

Our Concept

Our Leadership and Management Development Programs are broadly classified into four categories.

  • Leadership Development program for First Time Managers
  • Managerial Effectiveness Program for First-time and Mid-Level Managers
  • Leadership  Development Program for middle management
  • Transformational Leadership Program for senior management

The program are custom designed to provide an insight, and understanding of leadership and management, and make the participants experience the relevant aspects of managing an organization.

The Leadership and Management Development program approach has a participatory, experiential learning platform, where the participants get many opportunities to explore their leadership roles in an organizationscontext and Leadership Pipeline.

The programs will use outbound actvities, interactive sessions, exercises, games, roles plays, experiential learning, psychometric assessments, and interactive discussions to transfer the learning to the workplace settings.


Our collection of the most popular adventures.
Leadership Full Day Program

Leadership Full Day Program

Leadership Full Day (9 am to 5 pm)   Objective of the Program: Leadership Initiative Management Adventure Fun Activities and Items…

Starts from Rs 1750


by Eagles Unbound | 19 Sep 2018

 You must go on Adventures to find out where you truly belong.– Sue Fitzmaurice Personality, in simple words, is the sum total of all qualities a person possesses and it is a product of social interaction in family, group and a team. Therefore, sociability in a group plays a pivotal role in shaping up a personality. Most of the qualities are learnt outdoors rather than indoors. Therefore, Nature, Adventure and Outdoors play a crucial role in shaping our lives and personality.   How Important is the Environment? The environment plays a key role as it sets the limits for a personality and also provides opportunities for development. We usually have to function within the bounds of society and environment till the time we out-grow it. At that stage, our growth is never-ending and becomes irrespective of our environment.   Elements Of A Personality A balanced upbringing, good social environment and a right mix of education, outdoor life and adventure is imperative for an all-round personality. A personality comprises of: Physical appearance Emotional life Intellect behaviour Sociability Character Positive & Balanced approach to life An individual’s outlook towards life is the interplay of various domains. His behavior is the outcome of this interaction which is continuously in action. A balanced life with the right mix of indoor and outdoor, particularly with teams/groups brings out the best and nurture balanced personalities.   Developmental Domains Interplay Of Nature & Nurture: Human behavior is an outcome of the interaction between nature and nurture, and nature plays a key role in the outcome of a behavioral pattern. It can be understood with the help of following diagram:   If Happiness is the goal, and it should be, then Adventures should be the top priority. – Richard Branson   Effects of Physical Activities on the Mind Physical  Activity has a direct bearing to the Brain and in the formation of a well developed personality. More so if the activity is outdoor and in natural environment. It directly impacts the following: Makes the brain function at its best. Improves alertness, attention & motivation. Be it scoring a goal, netting a basketball or hitting a shuttlecock, sporting activities require focus which, in turn, helps boost academic performance. And above all improves your speed of decision, initiative, courage and confidence which are vital ingredients of your personality.




by Eagles Unbound | 20 Sep 2018

“Adventure is worthwhile.”   – Aristotle   With the world galloping towards progress, modernisation and development, little time is left for people to focus on their personal lives and improve the quality of living. We tend to focus on earning more to make our lives more luxurious while neglecting the small things that will actually help us in enjoying life fully. Life has certainly got in the way. Children with smartphones has become a pretty common sight nowadays. However, a disturbing trend among the youth today is growing usage of social media and smartphones in their free time. Where kids in the 80’s and 90’s used to resort to sports, music and other constructive hobbies, the children in the 21st century prefer to stay indoors and while away their time liking vacation pictures of someone they don’t even know personally in real life. A few negative effects of remaining indoors and overfeeding on social media have been pointed out by certain studies: Studies suggest a correlation between high rates of  TV viewing and social media  with aggressive and violent behaviour. The  attention hypothesis  proposes that  “TV viewing  and dependency on social media and remaining indoors encourages impulsive behaviour and may decrease academic achievement, because it discourages any sustained activities.” High dependency on smart phones, TV/internet and long hours working indoors may cause serous damage to cognitive domain which may adversely impact physical and mental well being. Aging process is directly related to your physical & mental activities. Nature, Outdoor  and Adventure guarantees longevity and energetic life.   Internet is surely a big boon and makes most of the things very simple and convenient in professional and personal lives. But excessive indulgence in anything is never recommended. We have listed a few more serious issues related with remaining indoors and benefits of outdoors, especially in children.   OBESITY According to a study, the number of overweight children in urban cities and towns has almost tripled in less than 25 years. In 1980, obesity was at 7% among children and it has risen to almost 20% in 2005. Lack of outdoor activities has been cited as one of the major reasons for this exponential rise. Obesity has become a major health issue not only for adults, but even for kids. Doctors suggest that outdoor play is not only physically stimulating for kids, but it also makes them more aware of their surrounding improving their senses and hand-eye coordination.   OTHER HEALTH ISSUES Sunlight is a great source of vitamin D. Vitamin D is known to help protect the youth from health diseases, diabetes and bone problems. Doctors recommend at least 10-15 minutes of sun exposure daily. Also, children who spend more time playing in the daylight tend to have better distance vision than those who prefer to stay indoors.   MENTAL HEALTH We all know how often sports, exercise and other outdoor activities are mentioned to have an impact in reducing stress levels. The same is true for children as well. Doctors have also suggested that children who spend time outdoors tend to have a better temperament when compared to their counterparts who spend more time indoors. Mental health issues among children are growing faster than ever. Other benefits include better social interaction, improvement in critical thinking and teamwork. Some studies also suggest that spending more time outdoors may result in reduction of ADHD symptoms.   LIFE SKILLS Children tend to develop more competencies when they are allowed to create and explore the world around them. This leads to enhanced confidence and abilities to face challenges in other aspects of their lives. Outdoor activities will help you acquire skills that will help you in a professional environment as well. Outdoor play teaches kids to work through problems individually as well as in groups. They learn to share, negotiate, resolve conflicts and learn self-advocacy skills. These qualities will certainly go a long way in shaping a child’s future.




by Eagles Unbound | 19 Sep 2018

JOBs FILL YOUR POCKETS, BUT ADVENTURES FILL YOUR SOUL– Jaime Lyn   Humans learn maximum in a natural way ideally straight from nature and outdoors but unfortunately the modern lifestyle has confined us to our chairs/ homes. It has deprived us of this opportunity to grow naturally in the midst of Nature. Our students are under tremendous pressure of studies and career, and are usually forced to cut down on their outdoor activities and sports. This adversely impacts their growth and they are unable to develop into balanced personalities. Culturally we have not been an ‘Adventurous and Active’ Nation. Due to the modern lifestyle this aspect is further decreasing and we are getting more indoor bound. As a Nation, we could not develop a sports & outdoor culture. Our Olympic tally proves this point. Decades of research has proved that Play, Adventure and Nature are important mediators in the physical, social, cognitive, and language development of students. Times are changing and people have no time from their routine for outdoors and adventure. This is having a devastating effect in their lifestyle. Lack of infrastructure in schools & colleges, opportunities and above all, lack of time & other priorities have withdrawn our people from outdoors and adventure. This is already having a telling effect on their mental & physical health.  THEN ONE DAY, WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT, THE GREAT ADVENTURE FINDS YOU. – Evan McGregor   “EAGLES UNBOUND”  brings you all that you have missed so far, in your growing up and during your professional years. A great opportunity to unlearn and re-learn. We are a team of committed ex-Armed Forces Officers and Personality Experts who are motivated and committed to make a difference. Most of us have “Special Forces” background and amply suited for this task which a passion and commitment for us. We really want to make a difference and return back something to the society.
